In a shocking turn of events, a Churubusco woman has been charged with a misdemeanor OWI after a harrowing crash in Fort Wayne. The incident unfolded on Monday afternoon at the intersection of Lima and Dupont roads, a bustling area in northwest Fort Wayne known for its automotive repair shops.
Eyewitnesses were left stunned as a vehicle belonging to 21-year-old Kayleigh Lambert careened off the road, hurtling through the air before landing on top of other parked vehicles. The scene was chaotic, with the wreckage of the crash strewn across the area. Police officers investigating the scene made a disturbing discovery – several opened wine bottles were found near Lambert’s vehicle, raising suspicions about her state at the time of the crash.
Following the crash, Lambert was subjected to a chemical test approximately 90 minutes later, revealing a staggering BAC of 0.29%. This alarming level was more than three times the legal limit, prompting immediate action from law enforcement. Lambert allegedly confessed to consuming alcohol earlier in the day at her parents’ residence, claiming to have only consumed two cans or bottles of Miller Lite. However, the evidence pointed to a much more serious situation.
In a swift legal proceeding, Lambert appeared in Allen Superior Court for an initial hearing on Tuesday morning. She pleaded guilty to two Class A misdemeanor charges, including operating a vehicle while intoxicated and endangering a person, as well as operating a vehicle with a BAC of 0.15% or more. The gravity of the situation was not lost on the court, as Lambert’s driving privileges were promptly suspended, and she was prohibited from consuming or possessing alcohol for an undisclosed period of time.
The repercussions of Lambert’s actions are yet to be fully realized, as her sentencing hearing is scheduled for May 8. The community is left reeling from this shocking incident, highlighting the dangers of impaired driving and the importance of responsible alcohol consumption. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story as the legal process unfolds..
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