In a tragic incident that unfolded in the Kotwali area of north Delhi, a cab driver named Md Saquib lost his life while a 15-year-old boy named Luv Kush sustained injuries, as per the latest reports from the police on Monday.
The Kotwali police station was alerted about a heated altercation that erupted during the late hours of Sunday night and early Monday morning. The police were informed about the incident when LNJP hospital reported that Md Saquib, a 36-year-old resident of Zakir Nagar, Delhi, was admitted with gunshot wounds. The injured teenager, Luv Kush, was also brought in for medical treatment.
According to the police statement, the confrontation started around 12:00 AM when a vehicle travelling from Kodia Pul to Chatta Rail Crossing collided with an e-rickshaw, leading to a dispute between the parties involved. The situation escalated quickly, with one individual producing a firearm and firing at the vehicle’s driver. Shockingly, a nearby beggar who was merely a spectator also became a victim of the gunfire.
Following the shooting, the assailant fled the scene, leaving behind the injured victims. Prompt action by bystanders ensured that Md Saquib and Luv Kush were rushed to LNJP hospital for urgent medical attention. The authorities have cordoned off the crime scene for a thorough forensic investigation.
In response to this appalling incident, legal proceedings have been initiated, with charges filed under sections 302/307 of the Indian Penal Code and section 27 of the Arms Act. Law enforcement officials have launched a search operation to apprehend the perpetrator involved in this senseless act of violence.
As the investigation continues to unfold, the police are leaving no stone unturned to bring the culprit to justice and provide answers to the grieving family of the deceased cab driver. The community in Kotwali area is in shock over the tragic turn of events, with residents expressing their concerns over the rising instances of violence in the locality..
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