A shocking incident unfolded in the town of Annathapuramua in Andhra Pradesh, where a car driver allegedly collided with a biker and then proceeded to drive for a staggering 18 kilometres with the victim’s body on the roof of the vehicle. The driver, in a callous act, fled the scene, leaving behind a trail of horror and disbelief. Authorities have now registered a murder case against the driver in connection with this harrowing incident.
The tragic accident occurred near Kothapalli in Atmakuru Mandal on a fateful Sunday night. The victim, identified as Errisswamy, was thrown into the air upon impact with the car and tragically landed on the roof, where he ultimately succumbed to his injuries. Despite the grievous nature of the collision, the driver callously continued driving for a considerable distance before finally stopping at Hanimireddypalli and fleeing the scene, leaving behind a scene of devastation.
Law enforcement officials, led by Sub-Inspector Atmakuru Muneer Ahmed, swiftly responded to the incident upon receiving reports of the accident involving an Innova vehicle. The police team immediately launched an investigation into the matter, meticulously piecing together the events that led to this horrific crash. Initially, the body of the deceased motorcyclist was not readily located, adding to the complexity of the investigation.
In a bid to unravel the circumstances surrounding the incident, authorities have gathered crucial information, including the registration number of the vehicle involved. Additionally, a mobile phone discovered in the abandoned vehicle has been activated to aid in the ongoing investigation, shedding light on the driver’s potential whereabouts and motives.
The community of Annathapuramua has been left reeling in the aftermath of this senseless tragedy, with residents grappling with the shock and sorrow that has gripped their town. As the investigation unfolds, questions linger about the events leading up to the collision and the driver’s actions in the aftermath. Authorities remain committed to seeking justice for the victim and ensuring that those responsible are held to account for their actions..
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