In a shocking turn of events, the Delhi police have apprehended a 37-year-old woman from Bihar on charges of orchestrating a sophisticated operation to sell stolen high-end Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs). The accused, identified as Lovely Singh, hailing from Patliputra in Bihar, was taken into custody on April 3 following an intensive investigation that began with the arrest of her husband, Govind, last year. Govind was found in possession of a stolen Maruti Brezza, which ultimately led authorities to uncover Lovely’s involvement in the illicit trade.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (east) Apoorva Gupta shed light on the case, stating that Govind’s interrogation exposed Lovely’s role in the intricate network of stolen vehicle distribution. According to Gupta, Lovely had been receiving stolen luxury vehicles from Delhi and then distributing them to various individuals in Bihar and Jharkhand. Despite the police’s relentless efforts to apprehend her, Lovely managed to evade capture by frequently changing her place of residence and residing in upscale neighbourhoods to avoid raising suspicion. However, a breakthrough came when a Non-Bailable Warrant was issued against her, ultimately leading to her arrest in the Patliputra area.
During questioning, Lovely disclosed that she had ventured into the world of stolen vehicles after working in an insurance company post-graduation. She admitted to collaborating with her husband, Govind, in the buying and selling of stolen vehicles, a venture that landed her in legal trouble previously in Ranchi, Jharkhand, in 2021. Not only did she establish connections with auto lifters, but she also engaged with other individuals involved in the illegal trade of luxury cars.
The police’s investigation has resulted in the seizure of nine SUVs, including prominent models such as the Toyota Fortuner and Hyundai Alcazar. The authorities are currently delving deeper into the case to unravel the full extent of Lovely’s operation and bring all those involved to justice. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the presence of organized crime networks operating within the realm of luxury vehicle theft, highlighting the importance of vigilant law enforcement efforts in curbing such activities..
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