A tragic incident unfolded on Sunday night on SMV Road near Kommaghatta Club in Kengeri, Bengaluru, when a scooter carrying three individuals fell into a deep pit dug up by the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB). The pit, part of the Cauvery Stage V pipeline project, was over 20 feet deep and had been cordoned off with two barricades by the BWSSB.
The trio on the scooter, identified as Saddam Hussain, Umraz Pasha, and Mubarak Pasha, were returning home after visiting friends when the accident occurred. Saddam Hussain, the rider of the scooter, was not wearing a helmet, and in a rash and negligent manner, crashed into the second barricade near the pit, causing the scooter to plummet into the excavation site.
Passers-by who witnessed the incident immediately alerted the Kengeri Traffic Police, who rushed to the scene and transported the injured individuals to a nearby hospital. Tragically, Saddam Hussain was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital due to severe head injuries sustained in the fall. Umraz Pasha and Mubarak Pasha are currently receiving treatment for their injuries.
In response to the incident, the Kengeri Traffic Police have filed a case of causing death due to negligence against both Saddam Hussain and the BWSSB engineer responsible for the construction site. The investigation into the circumstances surrounding the accident is ongoing to determine accountability and prevent similar incidents in the future.
The loss of a young life in this tragic accident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of adhering to safety regulations, such as wearing helmets while riding on two-wheelers. The BWSSB has a responsibility to ensure that construction sites are properly secured and clearly marked to prevent such accidents from occurring.
As the community mourns the loss of Saddam Hussain and prays for the swift recovery of Umraz Pasha and Mubarak Pasha, authorities are urged to take necessary precautions to prevent such tragic incidents in the future. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story..
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