In a startling development in the Salman Khan firing case, the Mumbai Crime Branch has taken over the investigation following an attack outside the Bollywood actor’s Bandra residence. The incident involved two unidentified bikers who fired four rounds outside Galaxy Apartment, where Salman Khan resides. Fortunately, no injuries were reported, but the presence of a live cartridge at the scene highlights the severity of the situation.
The Crime Branch has deployed more than 10 teams to delve into the matter, describing the attackers’ actions as a “calculated move.” Authorities are leaving no stone unturned in their probe, exploring all possible angles to determine the motive behind the attack. As the investigation unfolds, one of the suspects captured on CCTV footage is believed to be from Gurugram, according to the Delhi Police’s initial findings. This individual is reportedly linked to various criminal activities, including killings and robberies, and is wanted in connection with the murder of Gurugram-based businessman Sachin Munjal.
The ongoing investigation has also revealed potential connections to notorious gangsters, including Rohit Godara, who allegedly claimed responsibility for Sachin Munjal’s murder. Godara, along with his associates Lawrence Bishnoi, Anmol, and Goldy Brar, is under scrutiny for their possible involvement in the firing incident.
Furthermore, authorities are diligently working to identify all suspects involved and their origins. Among the accused, Vishal, who has a history of involvement in cases of killings and robberies, has emerged as a significant figure in the investigation.
The incident has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry, with fans and colleagues expressing their concern for Salman Khan’s safety. The Bandra residence, a popular celebrity hotspot in Mumbai, has always been under tight security due to the high-profile residents who reside there.
As the investigation continues to unfold, the Mumbai Crime Branch is determined to bring the perpetrators to justice and ensure the safety of all residents in the area. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story..
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