The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has made significant progress in the investigation of the March 1 Bengaluru Rameshwaram Cafe blast, as they recently arrested the alleged bomber and mastermind from Digha in West Bengal. This arrest has shed light on the possible involvement of a local resident who may have guided the perpetrators during their three-week stay in Bengal.
Furthermore, the NIA has uncovered that a third individual associated with the terror outfit, Muzammil Shareef, visited Kolkata and provided assistance to the two suspects, identified as Abdul Matheen Taha and Mussavir Hussain Shazib. Shareef was apprehended by the NIA in Chennai on March 26 and is believed to have facilitated the logistics for the attack.
According to an NIA official who spoke on the condition of anonymity, Taha and Shazib returned to Kolkata on March 21 after spending seven days in Ranchi. On the same day, Shareef arrived in Kolkata from Bengaluru and met with them at Dharmatala. Shareef reportedly covered the daily expenses of Taha and Shazib during their stay in the city.
The investigation revealed that the two suspects stayed at multiple hotels in Kolkata, all located in bustling areas. They checked into Hotel Paradise on Lenin Sarani in central Kolkata on March 13 under fake names (Y Shahnawaz and Anmol Kulkarni) and left the next day. Despite initially attempting to remain hidden, the suspects gradually grew more confident and even explored tourist destinations like Darjeeling, Digha, and Chandni Chowk.
It is worth noting that nine individuals sustained injuries in the IED blast at Rameshwaram Cafe in Bengaluru, which occurred on March 1. The arrest of the alleged mastermind and bomber in West Bengal marks a significant breakthrough in the case, as investigators work to unravel the intricate web of connections and activities that led to the tragic incident.
The NIA’s relentless efforts to apprehend those responsible for the Bengaluru blast demonstrate their commitment to ensuring justice for the victims and holding accountable those who seek to sow terror and chaos. The ongoing investigation continues to uncover new leads and piece together the events leading up to the devastating attack..
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