Ledyard, a quaint town in Connecticut, was rocked by a shocking incident that led to the arrest of a man for throwing bricks at a driver, resulting in a vehicle crash. The man in question, identified as Michael Kilduff, 31, hailing from New Britain, faced a slew of charges including second-degree breach of peace, first-degree reckless endangerment, first-degree criminal mischief, and criminal attempt at second-degree assault.
The dramatic events unfolded in the early hours of a Sunday morning, around 3:30 a.m., when Ledyard police received a distressing call regarding a male individual who had allegedly been struck by a vehicle and possibly stabbed. Upon reaching the scene at Foxwoods Boulevard, officers were met with a chilling sight – a vehicle had careened into a tree head-on, with two individuals inside.
Interviews with the occupants revealed a harrowing tale – a man, later identified as Kilduff, had hurled bricks at their vehicle, causing the driver to lose control and crash. In a bid to evade capture, Kilduff fled into the nearby woods, prompting a search operation that involved a Montville police K9 unit.
Subsequent investigations by the Ledyard police unveiled a troubling backstory to the incident – it was rooted in a heated altercation between a boyfriend and girlfriend. Despite initial reports of a stabbing and pedestrian collision, no concrete evidence was found to substantiate these claims.
Following his apprehension, Kilduff was promptly taken to Backus Hospital for medical evaluation as a precautionary measure. Once cleared, he was placed under arrest by Ledyard police and processed before being released on a $100,000 surety bond. His court date was set for the following Monday at the New London Superior Court.
The residents of Ledyard were left reeling from the shocking turn of events, as the tranquil town grappled with the aftermath of this disturbing incident. As the legal proceedings unfolded, the community awaited further updates on the case that had sent shockwaves through their peaceful enclave..
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