The recent incident outside Bollywood actor Salman Khan’s residence in Mumbai has raised concerns as police sources reveal that the two suspects involved are believed to be from Haryana’s Gurugram and are associated with gangster Lawrence Bishnoi’s notorious gang. One of the suspects, Vishal, has ties to Bishnoi gang member Rohit Godara, who is known for his involvement in violent crimes.
Reports suggest that Vishal is wanted in connection with the murder of Gurugram businessman Sachin Munjal. Meanwhile, Godara, who is currently overseas, allegedly admitted to Munjal’s killing through a social media post. The CCTV footage captured the two individuals wearing caps and carrying backpacks as they fired shots towards Khan’s residence. One suspect was seen in a white t-shirt and black jacket, while the other wore a red t-shirt.
Prior to the attack, the suspects conducted a reconnaissance mission near Galaxy Apartments, Mr. Khan’s home. After abandoning their motorcycle getaway vehicle near Mount Mary Church in Bandra, they managed to evade capture by taking a rickshaw to Bandra railway station. The police have revealed that the suspects have since fled the city and are currently on the run.
Following the incident, Anmol Bishnoi, Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother, claimed responsibility for the attack in an online post, issuing a warning to the Bollywood actor. Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has assured Khan of unwavering support and a commitment to upholding the rule of law.
It is worth noting that last year, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) identified Mr. Khan as a top target on jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi’s hit list. Bishnoi allegedly planned to eliminate Khan due to the actor’s involvement in the infamous 1998 black buck hunting incident, which offended the Bishnoi community. The gangster’s henchman, Sampat Nehra, had reportedly surveilled Khan’s Bandra residence before being apprehended by the Special Task Force of Haryana Police.
In response to a threat call made on April 11 last year, Mumbai Police upgraded Khan’s security status to Y+ and issued a lookout circular against an Indian student in the UK who allegedly sent a threatening email to the actor. The incident highlights the ongoing security concerns surrounding the actor and the need for heightened vigilance..
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