In a tragic incident that unfolded over the weekend in Lincoln, Nebraska, two young men lost their lives in a fatal crash. The Lincoln Police Department has identified the deceased passengers as 23-year-old Omar Rios and 21-year-old Darien Rosales, both residents of Lincoln. The driver, a 34-year-old man from Lincoln, survived the crash and is currently receiving treatment for non-life-threatening injuries.
The incident occurred at the intersection of S. 28th Street and Pine Lake Road in south Lincoln. According to the preliminary investigation conducted by the LPD, a Honda Pilot was observed speeding west on Pine Lake Road before veering off the north side of the road. The vehicle subsequently overturned and collided with a tree, resulting in the ejection of one of the passengers who tragically succumbed to their injuries at the scene. The second passenger also lost their life in the crash.
The driver, who sustained non-life-threatening injuries, was swiftly transported to a local hospital for medical attention. LPD has indicated that alcohol is believed to have played a role in the accident, and charges against the driver are pending as the investigation continues.
In light of this devastating incident, the Lincoln Police Department is appealing to any witnesses who may have information regarding the crash or possess video footage of the event to come forward. Individuals with relevant details are urged to contact the authorities at 402-441-6000. Alternatively, those wishing to maintain anonymity can provide information to Crime Stoppers by calling 402-475-3600.
The community of Lincoln has been deeply saddened by the loss of these two young individuals, and the repercussions of this tragic event are being keenly felt. The Lincoln Police Department is working diligently to ascertain the full circumstances surrounding the crash and provide closure to the families and loved ones affected by this heartbreaking incident.
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