A tragic incident unfolded in Crockett County, Tennessee, as the Tennessee Highway Patrol launched an investigation into a fatal car wreck that occurred in the early hours of the morning. The crash, which took place on Highway 412 near the Maury City exit, resulted in several injuries and the untimely death of one individual.
The chain of events began at 4:09 a.m. when Crockett County dispatchers received a distressing Apple notification directly to 911, alerting them to the crash involving two vehicles. Deputies from Crockett County swiftly responded to the scene, where they were met with a harrowing sight. A post-crash fire engulfed the area, prompting deputies to spring into action to extinguish the flames and rescue three victims trapped in the wreckage.
Amidst the chaos, two air-evac helicopters were summoned to transport two critically injured patients to a trauma care center, while a third individual was rushed to a local hospital by Crockett County ambulance service. Tragically, the life of 23-year-old Cody Bradshaw was cut short, as he was pronounced dead at the scene of the devastating crash.
Authorities at the scene noted the presence of “alcohol paraphernalia,” hinting at a possible contributing factor to the tragic incident. The response to the crash was swift and coordinated, with multiple agencies including the Alamo Police Department, Crockett County Rescue Squad, Gadsden Fire Department, Alamo Fire Department, Crockett County EMS, Crockett County EMA, Air-Evac Lifeteam, Tennessee Highway Patrol, and the Crockett County Medical Examiner’s Office all converging at the scene to provide assistance and support.
As the investigation unfolds, questions linger about the circumstances that led to the fatal crash and the factors that may have played a role in the tragedy. The community mourns the loss of life and hopes for a thorough investigation to shed light on the events that transpired on that fateful morning in Crockett County.
Stay tuned for updates as the authorities delve deeper into the details surrounding this heartbreaking incident that has left a community in mourning..
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