In a tragic incident that occurred late on Saturday night in Mainpat, Surguja district, three young children lost their lives when their hut caught fire while they were asleep. The victims, identified as eight-year-old Gulabi, six-year-old Sushma, and four-year-old Ramprasad, were siblings. The fire engulfed their kutcha house, leaving them with no means of escape.
According to police officials, the fire broke out suddenly around midnight at the residence of Devprasad Majhi in Pakripara village, Barima. Despite the efforts of neighbours, the flames could not be contained, resulting in the tragic loss of the children’s lives. It was reported that the children attempted to flee the fire but were unable to do so as the door had been locked from outside. Their remains were discovered the following morning inside the charred remains of their home. Meanwhile, the father, Devprasad, was away in Pune seeking employment.
Initial assessments suggest that the fire may have originated from a stove inside the kitchen, which had mud walls and a roof made of plastic and paddy straw. In the wake of this devastating event, local authorities, including the MLA, have pledged support to the grieving family. An investigation is currently underway, with forensic experts aiding in determining the exact cause of the fire, as stated by Surguja SP.
This heartbreaking incident serves as a somber reminder of the dangers posed by inadequate housing conditions and the urgent need for increased awareness of fire safety measures in rural communities. The tragic loss of these young lives has left the community in mourning, highlighting the importance of preventive measures to avoid such devastating outcomes.
As the investigation continues, the authorities are committed to uncovering the circumstances that led to this tragic fire. The community has come together to support the grieving family during this difficult time. It is imperative that steps are taken to prevent such tragedies in the future by prioritizing fire safety and ensuring that adequate measures are in place to protect vulnerable populations..
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