A tragic incident unfolded in Ahmedabad as a one-year-old girl lost her life after being crushed by a car in the parking area of a housing society in the Nehru Nagar area on Friday, April 12. The heart-wrenching incident was captured on CCTV, showing the girl crawling towards the car and standing in front of it before the driver accidentally ran over her. The driver, identified as Kanak Lydia, aged 45 and a resident of Ambawadi in Ahmedabad, has been detained, and a case has been registered against him.
The CCTV footage reveals Lydia reversing his car in the parking area while attempting to manoeuvre his way out. Tragically, the girl emerges from one side, crawls towards the vehicle, and stands in front of the left tyre. The car then abruptly moves forward, resulting in the child’s head being crushed. The little girl was the daughter of Mahavir, a 26-year-old security guard working in the housing society. Mahavir and his wife resided in a single room in the society with their daughter, while their other daughter lives in Nepal.
In the video, a person is seen rushing to pick up the injured child and confronting the driver of the car. Following the devastating incident, the police have launched an investigation into the matter to determine the circumstances surrounding the tragedy. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and caution, especially when children are present in potentially hazardous environments.
The news of this horrific accident has sparked widespread shock and sadness in the community. The incident serves as a sombre reminder of the need for increased awareness and safety measures in parking areas and residential spaces to prevent such tragic accidents from occurring in the future. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the young victim during this difficult time.
For more updates and breaking news, stay tuned to the latest updates on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube via SocialLY. Remember, caution and vigilance are key to preventing such heartbreaking incidents from happening again. the recent surge in demand for electric vehicles in the UK.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in the automotive industry towards more environmentally friendly options. One of the most significant changes has been the surge in demand for electric vehicles (EVs) in the UK. According to recent reports, sales of EVs have more than doubled in the past year, with consumers increasingly looking to reduce their carbon footprint and embrace cleaner modes of transport.
One of the key factors driving this trend is the UK government’s commitment to phasing out petrol and diesel cars by 2030. This ambitious target has prompted many car manufacturers to ramp up their production of electric vehicles, with a wide range of models now available to suit different budgets and preferences.
The benefits of driving an electric vehicle are numerous. Not only are EVs better for the environment, but they also offer lower running costs and tax incentives for owners. With improvements in battery technology, the range and performance of electric vehicles have also improved significantly, making them a more viable option for everyday use.
One of the main challenges for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles has been the availability of charging infrastructure. However, this is rapidly changing, with more public charging points being installed across the country. In addition, many EV owners choose to install home charging units, making it more convenient and cost-effective to charge their vehicles.
As the popularity of electric vehicles continues to grow, car manufacturers are investing heavily in research and development to improve battery technology and reduce the cost of EVs. This has led to a wider range of options available to consumers, from compact city cars to luxury SUVs, all powered by electricity.
In response to the growing demand for electric vehicles, the UK government has also introduced a range of incentives to encourage more people to make the switch. This includes grants for purchasing EVs, as well as funding for the installation of charging infrastructure.
Overall, the surge in demand for electric vehicles in the UK is a positive sign of the changing attitudes towards sustainable transport. With advancements in technology and government support, it is likely that we will see even more electric vehicles on the roads in the coming years, helping to reduce emissions and create a cleaner, greener future for all..
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