A tragic incident occurred in Amethi, where a father-son duo lost their lives in a road accident. Rambaran, aged 58, and his son Ranjit Yadav, aged 32, were riding a motorcycle on the Lucknow-Varanasi highway when a vehicle hit them from behind, resulting in their untimely demise.
The heartbreaking incident took place as the two were on their way to buy medicines from a nearby hospital. While crossing the road, an unidentified vehicle collided with them at a high speed, causing fatal injuries to the father and son. The impact of the collision was so severe that they succumbed to their injuries on the spot.
Upon receiving information about the accident, Kamrauli Station Officer Abhinesh Kumar, along with the police, rushed to the scene. The injured victims were immediately taken to a nearby hospital, where the medical professionals pronounced them dead upon arrival. The loss of Rambaran and Ranjit Yadav has left their family and the community in deep sorrow.
In the wake of this tragic incident, the police have taken swift action by registering a case against the unknown driver responsible for the fatal collision. The bodies of the deceased have been sent for post-mortem examination to ascertain the exact cause of death and gather crucial evidence for the ongoing investigation.
The Lucknow-Varanasi highway, where the accident occurred, is known for its busy traffic and the need for caution while navigating the roads. It serves as a vital link between two prominent cities in Uttar Pradesh, witnessing a high volume of vehicles daily. The safety of commuters and road users remains a significant concern, with incidents like this highlighting the importance of following traffic rules and regulations.
As the authorities delve deeper into the circumstances surrounding this tragic event, the community mourns the loss of Rambaran and Ranjit Yadav. Their memories will be cherished by their loved ones, and efforts to prevent such accidents in the future will be intensified. The road safety awareness campaign is crucial in ensuring the well-being of all individuals on the road, urging everyone to exercise caution and vigilance while travelling..
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