In a tragic incident that occurred on Friday night (12 April), a college student lost his life after a microbus collided with his motorcycle while he was on his way to Mawa Ghat with friends. The victim has been identified as Md Khairul Hasan Dihan, a 20-year-old student from the Maniknagar Wasa Road area in Dhaka. According to Md Bacchu Mia, the in-charge of the Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) police outpost, Dihan was a second-year student at Donia College.
Reports indicate that Dihan was accompanied by friends on four motorcycles when the unfortunate accident took place. The impact of the collision caused Dihan and one of his friends to fall to the ground, resulting in critical injuries. They were immediately rushed to the Dhaka Medical College Hospital for medical intervention. Despite the efforts of the medical staff, Dihan succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.
One of Dihan’s friends who was also involved in the accident sustained severe injuries and is currently receiving treatment at the same medical facility. The police have launched an investigation into the incident and have detained the driver of the microbus for questioning.
The body of the deceased has been transferred to the morgue of the hospital’s emergency department for further examination. The authorities have assured that a thorough autopsy will be conducted to determine the exact cause of Dihan’s untimely demise.
The news of Dihan’s tragic death has sent shockwaves through the local community, with friends and family members mourning the loss of a promising young student. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of road safety and the need for vigilance while navigating the bustling streets of Dhaka.
As the investigation into the accident continues, authorities have urged motorists to exercise caution and adhere to traffic regulations to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and loved ones of Md Khairul Hasan Dihan during this difficult time..
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