A young child, aged six, found himself in a perilous situation on Friday afternoon in Madhya Pradesh’s Rewa district when he accidentally fell into a 70-feet deep borewell while playing with his friends in the fields of harvested wheat crops. The boy, identified as Mayur, was unable to extricate himself from the confined space, despite the valiant efforts of his companions to rescue him.
The incident, which occurred around 3:30 pm, prompted a swift response from the local authorities, with the State Disaster Emergency Response Force (SDERF) and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) mobilised to the scene to initiate rescue operations. Additional Superintendent of Police Anil Sonkar revealed that the borewell’s depth was approximately 70 feet, with the boy trapped at a depth of around 40 feet.
An intense effort to save the child ensued, with the deployment of two JCBs, a team of cameramen, and an SDRF team to conduct the rescue mission. An NDRF team was also dispatched from Banaras to provide additional support. However, the rescue operation faced challenges due to unseasonal rains affecting the site, hindering the progress of the efforts.
To ensure the boy’s well-being during the ordeal, authorities have supplied oxygen through a pipe to sustain him while trapped underground. Moreover, a CCTV camera has been lowered into the borewell to monitor the child’s condition. Despite their best efforts, officials have encountered obstacles preventing them from reaching the boy, as reported by the police.
In a similar incident earlier this month, a two-year-old boy named Satvik was successfully rescued after a 20-hour operation when he fell into a borewell in Lachayan village of Indi taluk in Karnataka’s Vijayapura. The rescue operation involved the use of heavy machinery and specialised cameras to monitor the child’s movements and provide necessary oxygen support.
The unfolding situation in Rewa has captured the attention of the local community and authorities, who remain dedicated to saving the young boy trapped in the borewell. As the rescue operation continues, the collective efforts of the emergency response teams strive to ensure a safe and successful outcome for Mayur.
(With contributions from ANI, PTI).
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