In a tragic turn of events, a 34-year-old woman named Soni met with a fatal end at her residence in Bhikam Singh Colony in Farsh Bazar, Shahdara, Delhi. The shocking incident unfolded late on Friday night when the authorities received reports of a stabbing at Soni’s home. Upon arrival, the police discovered Soni lying in a pool of blood, with multiple wounds on her body.
Investigations into the matter pointed towards a heated altercation that Soni and her husband, Satbir, had with their neighbours and their family members over unresolved issues. The situation escalated to a point where Soni was fatally stabbed, leading to her untimely demise. The police found two or three cut marks on Soni’s left hand and a small wound on her stomach, indicating a violent struggle.
Despite the efforts made to save her, Soni could not survive her injuries and was pronounced dead upon arrival at Dr Hedgewar Hospital. The Deputy Commissioner of Police, Surendra Chaudhry (Shahdara), shed light on the ongoing investigation. He mentioned that the suspects claimed Soni inflicted the injuries on herself, but the authorities are diligently verifying these claims and piecing together the sequence of events that transpired.
In the wake of this horrific incident, Soni’s husband, Satbir, provided a statement to the police, leading to the registration of a case under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code, which deals with cases of murder. The authorities are leaving no stone unturned in their quest for justice for Soni and are working tirelessly to bring the perpetrators of this heinous crime to book.
The community in Bhikam Singh Colony in Farsh Bazar, Shahdara, is reeling from the shock of this tragedy, as the peaceful neighbourhood has been disrupted by this senseless act of violence. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of resolving conflicts peacefully and the devastating consequences that can arise from unchecked animosity. Our thoughts and prayers are with Soni’s family and loved ones during this difficult time..
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