In a tragic turn of events, an 8-year-old boy from Kentucky, Trey Harris, who was believed to have died from an allergic reaction to strawberries last month, was revealed to have actually succumbed to a fentanyl overdose. The devastating news has left the community in shock and mourning, with Harris’ stepfather, Antonio Person, now facing criminal charges in connection with the young boy’s death.
The elementary school student’s cause of death was determined to be “fentanyl intoxication,” as announced by officials. Person, aged 33, has been charged with manslaughter in relation to Harris’ overdose, according to reports from WFIE. The pair were residing together in the same household, where it was discovered that Person had drugs in his possession, as detailed in a Madisonville police report.
Despite these developments, questions still linger about how the child came into contact with the lethal opioid. Officer Brandon Holeman stated, “It has been confirmed that the child’s death was due to a fentanyl overdose. It is still not confirmed as to whether that was intentional or accidental.” The investigation is ongoing to determine the circumstances surrounding Harris ingesting the substance.
The heartbreaking sequence of events began when Harris developed a rash after consuming strawberries at a high school fundraiser. His family administered Benadryl and a bath before seeking medical assistance on the night of March 14. After returning home from the hospital in the early hours of the next day, Harris was put to bed. Tragically, when his family tried to wake him for school later that morning, he was unresponsive and subsequently pronounced dead.
Initial suspicions about the strawberries led to an advisory from the Hopkins County health department to discard any purchased at the event. However, the Food and Drug Administration later confirmed that the strawberries were not to blame for Harris’ death. Person, identified as the boy’s stepfather in his obituary, had previously been arrested on drug trafficking and illegal gun possession charges and now faces the additional manslaughter charge.
Harris is fondly remembered as a “fun-loving child who adored playing pranks on his mom especially and laughing,” according to his obituary. The tragic loss of this young life serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of illicit substances and the importance of safety measures in households with children..
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