In a tragic turn of events in Alipur Tehsil, located in Pakistan’s Muzaffargarh District, a heart-wrenching incident unfolded as a man, identified as Sajjad Khokhar, committed a heinous crime that shook the entire community. The authorities revealed that Khokhar, driven to the edge by poverty, took the lives of his wife and seven innocent children in a moment of despair and desperation. The victims of this unfathomable tragedy were identified as 40-year-old Kausar and her children: 8-year-old Ansa, 7-year-old Kanza, 5-year-old Ramsha, 4-year-old Shehnaz, 3-year-old Anas, 2-year-old Subhan, and 4-month-old Manza.
The news of this horrific incident sent shockwaves through the region, prompting Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz to demand a comprehensive report from the top authorities. The community grappled with the devastating loss, trying to make sense of the senseless act that had taken the lives of an entire family.
In a separate incident that further highlighted the grim reality of poverty and desperation, a man in Karachi resorted to poisoning his wife and children in the city’s Sujrani Town Sector-10. The desperate act of Azhar, the man behind the poisoning, led to a tragic turn of events as rescue sources confirmed his suicide attempt following the poisoning.
The swift response from rescue teams and medical professionals was crucial in trying to save the remaining family members who had fallen victim to Azhar’s desperate actions. Despite valiant efforts, a two-year-old girl tragically succumbed to the poisoning, leaving a deep scar on the hearts of all those involved in the rescue and recovery efforts.
Neighbours of the family recounted the struggles they had witnessed, shedding light on the challenges faced by Azhar, once a factory worker, who found himself unemployed and unable to provide for his family. The relentless efforts to secure employment and sustain his family’s livelihood ended in repeated failures, plunging him into despair and ultimately leading to the devastating act that unfolded in Sujrani Town Sector-10.
As the community grapples with the aftermath of these tragic events, questions of poverty, mental health, and societal support systems come to the forefront. The incidents serve as a stark reminder of the importance of addressing the underlying issues that can lead individuals to such extreme measures. (ANI).
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