A tragic incident unfolded in the quiet village of Ramakrishnapur in Mandamarri mandal, located in the picturesque Mancherial district, where a retired employee of the Singareni collieries Company Limited (SCCL) met a brutal end at the hands of his own son. The peaceful night turned into a scene of horror as 62-year-old Rayamallu was mercilessly bludgeoned to death with a pestle, allegedly by his 25-year-old son, Rakesh.
The gruesome incident occurred following a heated altercation over a seemingly trivial matter – the excessive use of a mobile phone. According to reports, Rayamallu reprimanded his son for spending too much time on his phone, leading to a verbal spat that quickly escalated. In a fit of rage, Rakesh grabbed a nearby pestle and viciously attacked his father, inflicting a fatal head injury that claimed Rayamallu’s life instantly.
The tragic turn of events has left the residents of Ramakrishnapur in shock and disbelief. The senseless loss of life has sent ripples of sorrow through the close-knit community, who are struggling to come to terms with the brutal nature of the crime. The local police were swiftly alerted to the scene of the crime, and a case has been registered at the Ramakrishnapur police station.
As the authorities launch a search operation to apprehend the accused, who is currently on the run, the community is reeling from the aftermath of the horrific incident. Rayamallu, a respected member of the village, was known for his gentle demeanour and kind-hearted nature. His untimely demise has left a void in the community that will be hard to fill.
The tragic death of Rayamallu serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the devastating consequences of unchecked anger. As the investigation into the incident continues, the residents of Ramakrishnapur mourn the loss of a beloved member of their community and grapple with the harsh reality of violence within their midst..
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