In a tragic turn of events in Milton, New York, a 69-year-old man, Ronald Rayher, is currently facing charges of manslaughter in connection with the disappearance of Thomas Krider, a beloved member of the “Star Trek” and entertainment community. Krider, also known as T.J. Green, was reported missing on April 6, sparking a wave of concern among his friends and colleagues.
Friends of Krider described him as a cherished figure within the “Star Trek” community and beyond. As an employee and tour guide at the “Star Trek” set tour in Ticonderoga, Krider was known for his passion for the iconic sci-fi franchise. Additionally, he showcased his talent as an Elvis Presley tribute artist, leaving a lasting impression on those who knew him.
James Crawley, a close friend of Krider, paid tribute to his memory, highlighting his kind and trusting nature, as well as his warm and friendly demeanor. Crawley expressed deep sorrow over Krider’s passing, emphasizing the impact he had on those around him.
The case took a troubling turn with the arrest of Rayher, who now faces charges of manslaughter in the second degree and tampering with physical evidence. According to court documents, Rayher allegedly moved and concealed personal belongings of Krider following his death, raising further questions about the circumstances surrounding the incident.
As the investigation continues, authorities are working diligently to uncover the truth behind Krider’s disappearance and subsequent demise. Rayher, currently held on a $250,000 bond, is scheduled to appear in court on May 21 for further legal proceedings.
The community mourns the loss of Thomas Krider, a vibrant and cherished individual whose memory will live on through the hearts of those who knew him. The impact of his presence in the “Star Trek” and entertainment world serves as a testament to the profound connections he forged during his time on Earth..
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