A tragic incident unfolded in Habiganj’s Shayestaganj upazila last night, resulting in the untimely demise of a madrasa student who was brutally beaten to death by unidentified criminals. The victim, identified as Kazi Abidur Rahman Mahin, aged 18 and hailing from Nijgaon village in the upazila, fell prey to the merciless attack, as confirmed by Uttam Das, the officer-in-charge (investigation) of Shayestaganj Police Station.
According to reports gathered from locals and the bereaved family of the deceased, the harrowing incident took place on the auspicious occasion of Eid when two young men paid an unexpected visit to Mahin’s residence. Subsequently, they coerced him to accompany them to Dighi area near Shayestaganj Railway Junction, where they subjected him to a vicious assault. The commotion attracted the attention of nearby residents who intervened and rushed Mahin to Habiganj Sadar Hospital in a bid to save his life. However, their efforts were in vain as medical professionals on duty declared him deceased upon arrival.
In the wake of this heinous crime, law enforcement authorities have sprung into action, intensifying efforts to identify the assailants and bring them to justice. The grief-stricken mother of the victim, Rokeya Begum, has pointed fingers at their neighbors with whom Mahin had a recent altercation, insinuating their potential involvement in the tragic turn of events.
The heart-wrenching episode has sent shockwaves through the community, prompting a collective outcry for swift and decisive action to ensure that such acts of violence do not go unpunished. The authorities are leaving no stone unturned in their quest for justice, with the hopes of providing solace to the grieving family and restoring a sense of security in the locality.
As the investigation unfolds, the residents of Habiganj’s Shayestaganj upazila remain on edge, grappling with the aftermath of this senseless act of brutality. The tragic loss of a promising young life has underscored the urgent need for vigilance and solidarity in the face of such atrocities, serving as a poignant reminder of the fragility of human life and the imperative of upholding justice in our society..
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