In a small town in Bingham County, Idaho, a remarkable story of bravery and survival has emerged. An 85-year-old woman, Christine Jenneiahn, found herself in a terrifying situation when an armed intruder broke into her home in the dead of night.
According to reports from authorities, the incident took place on March 13, when Jenneiahn was abruptly awakened by a menacing figure looming over her bed. The intruder, later identified as 39-year-old Derek Condon, was armed with a gun and a flashlight, his face concealed by a black ski mask and military jacket.
In a horrifying turn of events, Condon proceeded to strike Jenneiahn in the head with a pistol, before leading her to the living room where he handcuffed her to a chair. Threatening her life and demanding to know the location of her valuables, he placed a gun against her head, instilling fear and desperation in the elderly woman.
Despite being bound and at the mercy of her assailant, Jenneiahn exhibited incredible courage and resourcefulness. When the intruder momentarily left the room, she managed to drag the chair she was shackled to back to her bedroom, where she retrieved a hidden handgun from beneath her pillow.
As the intruder returned and once again threatened her life, Jenneiahn made a split-second decision to defend herself and her disabled son. In an act of self-preservation, she fired her .357 magnum, striking Condon twice and ultimately ending the threat he posed.
The confrontation turned into a deadly exchange of gunfire, with Jenneiahn sustaining multiple gunshot wounds to her belly, leg, arm, and chest. Despite her injuries, she remained chained to the chair for a harrowing 10 hours until her son discovered her and called for help.
Authorities praised Jenneiahn’s actions as a clear case of self-defense and justifiable homicide. Bingham County Prosecuting Attorney Ryan Jolley described her actions as heroic and emphasized her right to protect herself under Idaho’s stand-your-ground law.
If Condon had survived the encounter, he would have faced charges of felony attempted murder, kidnapping, burglary, aggravated battery, and grand theft. Jenneiahn’s incredible survival and unwavering determination in the face of danger serve as a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit..
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