In a shocking turn of events in Thane, Maharashtra, a husband-wife duo has been taken into custody for the alleged murder of their 18-month-old daughter approximately three weeks ago. The grim discovery was made after an anonymous tip-off led authorities to a local graveyard where the body of the toddler had been clandestinely buried.
Identified as Jahid Sheikh (38) and Noorami (28), residents of Mumbra, the couple stands accused of the heinous crime that took place on March 18. The revelation of the child’s murder sent shockwaves through the community, prompting swift action from law enforcement officials.
Senior inspector Anil Shinde of the Mumbra police station shed light on the investigation, stating, “Upon receiving the anonymous letter detailing the couple’s involvement in their daughter’s demise, our team sprang into action. Initially uncooperative, the suspects eventually confessed to the crime, though they remained tight-lipped about the motive behind their actions.”
Following the couple’s admission, authorities exhumed the decomposed remains of the child from the graveyard. An autopsy report confirmed the presence of injuries on the child’s head and other body parts, painting a grim picture of the events leading to her tragic death.
In response to the harrowing discovery, a case has been registered against Jahid Sheikh and Noorami under sections 302 (murder) and 201 (causing disappearance of evidence of offence) of the Indian Penal Code. Inspector (crime) S A Dawne confirmed that the couple appeared before a magistrate on Wednesday and have been remanded in police custody until April 15.
The heart-wrenching incident has left the local community reeling, with many grappling with the senseless loss of a young life. As details continue to emerge, authorities are working diligently to ensure that justice is served for the innocent victim. The tragic case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and accountability in safeguarding the most vulnerable members of society..
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