In Lafayette, Indiana, a disturbing incident unfolded this week as a known criminal, Christopher D. Sanders, 33, was arrested by local authorities. The arrest came after a series of alarming events, including the shooting of a child with a BB gun, assault on his girlfriend, and an altercation with a police officer.
The Lafayette Police Department received a call on Monday regarding a domestic battery situation at a residence on Altamont Court. Upon arrival at the scene around 8:30 p.m., officers spoke with a woman who reported that her son had been shot in the buttocks with a BB pellet by her boyfriend, identified as Sanders.
According to the woman, the child was in the garage with Sanders when he felt a pellet strike him. Sanders was allegedly holding a BB gun and denied the accusation when confronted by the mother. He then proceeded to throw another BB gun at the woman, hitting her in the back.
Upon inspection, officers found two BB guns inside the home that matched the victim’s description. Sanders, who displayed unruly and aggressive behavior, resisted arrest by pulling away from officers and physically assaulting one of them. Despite his resistance, the officers managed to detain him as he continued to threaten them.
Sanders now faces a range of charges, including Battery on a Person Less than 14 Years Old (Level 6 Felony), Domestic Battery (Class A Misdemeanor), Resisting Law Enforcement (Class A Misdemeanor), Battery Against a Public Safety Official (Level 6 Felony), and Intimidation/Threat to Commit a Forcible Felony (Level 6 Felony).
Court documents reveal Sanders’ criminal history, which includes past convictions for theft, trespass, resisting arrest, battery, and escape. Prosecuting Attorney has filed documents declaring Sanders a habitual offender due to his criminal record.
An initial hearing for Sanders was held on Tuesday, with a jury trial scheduled for August 13. The incident has raised concerns in the Lafayette community about the safety of residents and the need for stricter measures to address repeat offenders like Sanders..
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