A tragic incident has occurred aboard the USS Mason, a Mayport-based destroyer operating in the Red Sea, resulting in the death of a Florida sailor. The Department of Defense announced the untimely passing of Aviation Machinist Mate 2nd Class Oriola Michael Aregbesola, aged 34, on Wednesday following a non-combat related incident. The circumstances surrounding his death are currently under investigation by the DOD.
Aregbesola was reported missing at sea on Wednesday afternoon while the USS Mason was engaged in operations in the Red Sea, as confirmed by the U.S. Central Command in a statement released on Friday. He was a dedicated member of the USS Mason deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations and served as part of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group.
The loss of Aregbesola has deeply impacted his colleagues, with one fellow sailor describing him as “the sweetest, nicest and kindest man” he had ever met in the Navy. KB Johnson, who had the privilege of working alongside Aregbesola, spoke of his pure soul and the positive influence he had on those around him.
Originally from Miramar, Florida, Aregbesola’s sudden passing has sent shockwaves through the naval community. The news of his death was first reported by First Coast News and subsequently covered by the Florida Times-Union.
The tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the risks faced by military personnel, even in non-combat situations. The Red Sea, where the USS Mason was operating at the time of Aregbesola’s disappearance, is a key strategic waterway connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean. It has been the site of various naval operations and incidents over the years, highlighting the challenging nature of maritime operations in the region.
As the investigation into Aregbesola’s death continues, the Navy community mourns the loss of a dedicated and beloved sailor. His memory will live on among those who had the privilege of knowing and working with him, as they honour his legacy of service and camaraderie..
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