A tragic incident unfolded in Renton, Washington, as an 18-year-old driver, Chase Daniel Jones, faced charges of vehicular homicide and assault following a deadly crash that claimed the lives of three children and a woman, leaving others injured. Jones, who was released from the hospital and subsequently booked into jail, is facing four counts of vehicular homicide, two counts of vehicular assault, and reckless driving. The bail set for Jones stands at a staggering $1 million, with his arraignment scheduled for April 4.
The fatal crash occurred on 140th Avenue SE in Renton on Tuesday, March 19, resulting in the deaths of Eloise and Matilda “Tilly” Wilcoxson, aged 12 and 13, Buster Brown, also 12, and Andrea Hudson, aged 38. Initial investigations by the King County Sheriff’s Office indicated that speed played a significant role in the tragic collision.
According to court documents, Andrea Hudson was driving eastbound on SE 192nd Street with five children in her minivan when Jones, identified as the speeding driver, crashed into their vehicle at the intersection of 192nd and 140th Ave. The impact was described as “incredibly violent,” leading to the immediate fatalities of the victims. Two of the children from Hudson’s vehicle are currently in the intensive care unit with severe injuries, including brain bleeds, internal injuries, and broken bones.
Prosecutors revealed that Jones was observed speeding and weaving through traffic, with video evidence capturing his reckless driving behaviour. Data from Jones’ vehicle indicated that he was travelling at a staggering speed of 112 mph when he ran a red light at the intersection, without any signs of braking. Shockingly, this was Jones’ third incident involving high-speed crashes resulting in totalled vehicles in just 11 months.
Jones himself suffered internal injuries requiring surgery, along with a fractured leg and ribs. The Washington Traffic Safety Commission reported 809 traffic fatalities in the state last year, underscoring the importance of road safety and responsible driving to prevent such devastating incidents in the future..
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