A tragic incident occurred in Noida early Saturday morning, resulting in the death of a dental sciences student after a truck collided with his bike in Siddharth Vihar. The student, identified as Aditya (26) from Jamshedpur who was studying at Santosh Medical College, was riding with his friend Jassi, an MBBS student from Amroha who sustained injuries and is currently receiving treatment.
The accident took place at 4:15 am, as confirmed by additional DCP (traffic) Virendra Kumar, who stated that the bike, without a number plate, was hit from behind by a truck that then fled the scene. Unfortunately, there were no eyewitnesses to provide further details regarding the incident. Passersby later rushed both students to the hospital, where Aditya was pronounced dead. Jassi remains hospitalized, and investigations are ongoing. Authorities have informed the families of the victims, and an FIR will be filed once a complaint is lodged.
This incident comes shortly after another tragic event at Shipra Mall in Indirapuram, where a three-year-old girl lost her life after being crushed by a car parked by a valet. Despite the father’s pleas for help, no vehicle was made available to transport his daughter to the hospital, leading him to rush her on his own bike to a nearby medical facility, where she tragically succumbed to her injuries. The valet responsible for the incident was subsequently arrested.
In other recent news, a man was murdered in Rohini following a motorcycle accident involving two juveniles. The victim, Rahul, who was out on bail for patricide, was attacked by the boys after his bike brushed against them. The police, led by Guriqbal Singh Sidhu, analyzed CCTV footage to aid in the investigation.
Additionally, in Kadapa, a drunk individual was caught on CCTV setting three bikes on fire after dousing them with a flammable liquid. The perpetrator’s reckless actions led to the destruction of the vehicles, highlighting the need for vigilance and responsible behavior on the roads..
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