In a shocking turn of events, eight days after a man and his eight-year-old son were found brutally murdered in Jabalpur, the police have announced a cash reward of Rs 10,000 for any information leading to the arrest of the 19-year-old accused in this heinous crime.
The Superintendent of Police in Jabalpur, Aditya Pratap Singh, revealed, “Our teams are working tirelessly, conducting raids at various locations across states. However, the accused, identified as Mukul Singh, is constantly changing his whereabouts. In light of this, a reward of Rs 10,000 has been announced for the arrest of the main suspect in this double murder case.”
The incident occurred on March 15, when a 52-year-old man and his young son were found dead, with the child’s body shockingly discovered inside a refrigerator. The victims were identified as a railway employee and his son.
The family of the deceased received a distressing voice message from their minor daughter on that fateful day, accusing Mukul of killing her father and brother. The authorities were immediately alerted, leading to the recovery of the bodies from the family home. However, the minor daughter was missing from the scene.
Investigations have revealed that the minor daughter of the deceased was also implicated in the crime, with evidence suggesting her involvement. It was disclosed that she had willingly accompanied the accused, Mukul.
Sources have disclosed that Mukul had allegedly abducted the minor girl back in September 2023, resulting in a case being registered against him. However, he was released on bail based on the statements provided by the minor girl. Subsequently, the father of the girl had sent her to their native village, and she had only recently returned to appear for her board examinations.
The tragic events surrounding this case have left the community in shock and disbelief. The authorities are leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to apprehend the accused and bring justice to the grieving family. The search for Mukul Singh continues as the police intensify their efforts to locate and apprehend him..
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