In a chilling incident that has shocked the residents of Farhera village in Uttar Pradesh’s Agra district, two men were arrested for the alleged kidnapping and murder of a five-year-old girl. The accused, identified as Amit Kushwaha, the victim’s uncle, and Nikhil Kumar, Kushwaha’s friend, reportedly abducted the young girl after her family failed to pay a ransom of Rs 6 lakhs.
The harrowing ordeal began when the family of the victim filed a missing person’s report at Bah Police station, prompting a swift investigation by the authorities. After diligent efforts, the police were able to apprehend the suspects on Friday, bringing a sense of relief to the distraught family.
During the interrogation, both Kushwaha and Kumar confessed to their heinous crime, shedding light on the tragic circumstances that led to the innocent child’s untimely demise. The accused were charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including sections 363, 364A, 302, and 201, reflecting the severity of their actions.
According to the Deputy Commissioner of Police, the accused allegedly strangled the child to death and callously disposed of her body in a nearby field. In a cruel twist of fate, the perpetrators then feigned concern and offered assistance to the grieving family in their search for the missing girl, all the while concealing their sinister intentions.
The shocking revelation that Kushwaha had borrowed a significant sum of money and was unable to repay the debt sheds light on the disturbing motive behind the kidnapping. Desperate and overwhelmed by mounting financial pressure, Kushwaha allegedly conspired with his accomplice to orchestrate the abduction of his own niece as a means to extort money from her family.
Tragically, when the ransom demand went unmet, the accused callously carried out their ruthless plan, resulting in the tragic loss of a young life and leaving a community in mourning. The reprehensible nature of this crime serves as a stark reminder of the depths of depravity that some individuals are capable of, even against their own flesh and blood..
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