In a tragic turn of events, a man was discovered floating in the Tijuana River Channel last month, with authorities determining that he was the victim of a homicide. The individual, identified as Rodolfo Agosto Castillo-Ancona, a 36-year-old resident of Mexico, was found in the water along Dairy Mart Road and Clearwater Way in San Ysidro, as reported by San Diego police.
The unsettling discovery was made by U.S. Border Patrol agents who alerted the police after spotting a possible body around 5:30 p.m. on February 21st. The inclement weather, with rain causing flooding in the area, made the search challenging due to poor lighting, swift river currents, and debris. As a result, a brief search was suspended until the following morning when a U.S. Border Patrol helicopter assisted the police in locating two deceased individuals.
Upon closer examination, it was revealed that Castillo-Ancona had sustained traumatic injuries to his upper body, indicating foul play. While detectives have determined the cause of his death, this information is being withheld from the public. The second individual found alongside Castillo-Ancona showed no apparent signs of trauma, and his identity is being withheld pending family notification and further examination by the Medical Examiner’s Office.
Homicide Lt. Steve Shebloski expressed uncertainty about whether the deaths of the two men were connected, suggesting that heavy rains and a strong current may have brought their bodies to the same location, which was obstructed by debris. Authorities are urging anyone with relevant information about the incident to come forward and contact the department’s Homicide Unit at (619) 531-2293 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at (888) 580-8477.
The Tijuana River Channel, where this tragic incident unfolded, serves as a vital waterway in the region, connecting the United States and Mexico. The area has witnessed various challenges in recent years, including environmental concerns and issues related to border security. The discovery of the deceased individuals has further highlighted the complexities and dangers associated with this border region..
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