Fairhaven High School recently hosted a charitable event known as the ‘Blue Devil Dip’ to raise funds for Special Olympics MA. This event saw students jumping into SOMA’s new traveling water tank to show their support. The money raised from this event goes directly to SOMA, serving as a funding source for local Unified Sports programs. These funds are used to purchase essential materials like uniforms, sweatshirts, and sports equipment for programs such as Fairhaven High’s unified track and basketball teams.
Moving on to a more serious note, an investigation was conducted following an alleged incident during the MIAA Division 2 state semifinal basketball game. The incident involved a player from Old Rochester spitting on an opponent, leading to repercussions for the player involved. The Old Rochester Regional School District released a statement confirming the incident and announcing that the player was no longer part of the team.
The incident occurred during the third quarter of the game, with no foul called on the Old Rochester player involved. Despite this, a technical foul was issued to the opposing player for their reaction to the incident. The statement from the school district addressed the situation and took appropriate action to uphold sportsmanship and fair play.
In a separate development, plans for the replacement of the New Bedford-Fairhaven Bridge have raised concerns among city officials. The proposed design features 190-foot towers, but officials are worried about potential height restrictions that could impact passing vessels. This restriction could hinder the future development of the offshore wind industry in the area.
MassDOT officials are currently finalizing the design for the new bridge in installments, with construction expected to commence in 2027. Local input has been encouraged throughout the planning process, and city officials have expressed their apprehensions regarding the height restrictions in a letter to MassDOT.
In conclusion, these recent events showcase the diverse range of activities and challenges faced in the South Coast region. From charitable initiatives to sports controversies and infrastructure concerns, the community remains active and engaged in various aspects of life. For more details on these stories and others, visit SouthCoastToday.com..
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