Lucknow: Following the tragic suicide of local businessman Harshit Tandon, police have arrested Sujit Shah, the money-lender accused of harassing him. Shah, now behind bars, has been charged with abetment to suicide in connection with Tandon’s untimely death.
Tandon, a 46-year-old resident of BBD Green City, took his own life with a licensed revolver. In a note he left behind, he explicitly blamed Sujit’s relentless harassment for his drastic decision. The incident occurred after Tandon received a phone call from Shah, asking him to meet at the Kamta intersection on Friday evening during a family gathering.
According to Tandon’s brother-in-law, Bobby Malhotra, the businessman retired to the bathroom on the first floor just before 10 pm, where he fatally shot himself. Upon hearing the gunshot, Tandon’s father, wife, and daughter rushed to the scene only to find his lifeless body in a pool of blood.
After a complaint was filed by Tandon’s father, police took action and arrested Shah on charges of abetment to suicide. Malhotra revealed that Tandon had borrowed Rs 15 lakh from Shah for various expenses, but Shah imposed high compound interest on the loan, demanding an unreasonable Rs 9 lakh per month, which took a toll on Tandon’s mental health.
Furthermore, tensions between Tandon and Shah escalated over the ownership of the house Tandon was living in. Shah allegedly pressured Tandon to transfer the property deed, leading to frequent disputes between the two parties.
In a similar case, the body of Vaishali Joshi was found at the city crime branch premises in Ahmedabad, leading to an FIR against Inspector B K Khachar of the Economic Offences Wing for abetting her suicide. Kinjal Pandya, a relative of Joshi, filed the complaint against Khachar, highlighting the serious consequences of abetment to suicide.
These incidents shed light on the importance of addressing mental health issues and preventing harassment and exploitation in financial dealings to avoid tragic outcomes like suicide. Authorities are urged to take swift action and ensure justice for the victims and their families..
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