In a shocking incident at Gujarat University in Ahmedabad, two international students were assaulted in their hostel for offering namaz. The police have taken swift action and arrested two men in connection with the attack, while the search for more suspects is ongoing.
The two victims, one from Sri Lanka and another from Tajikistan, were hospitalized after the violent incident that took place on Saturday night. DCP (Zone 7) Tarun Duggal confirmed the arrests of Hitesh Mevada and Bharat Patel, while stating that efforts are being made to apprehend the remaining culprits.
An FIR has been registered against 20-25 unidentified individuals under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including rioting, unlawful assembly, and causing hurt. Police Commissioner GS Malik revealed that nine teams, comprising both crime branch and local police personnel, have been formed to investigate the matter thoroughly.
The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has condemned the attack and assured that the Gujarat government is taking strict action against those responsible for the violence. MEA spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal provided an update on the victims, stating that one of the injured students has already been discharged from the hospital.
The incident has sparked outrage and concern among the international student community in Gujarat. The MEA has called for a thorough investigation and for the perpetrators to be brought to justice swiftly. The safety and well-being of foreign students in India must be ensured, and such acts of violence cannot be tolerated.
This disturbing incident serves as a reminder of the importance of promoting tolerance and understanding among people of different backgrounds and beliefs. It is essential for authorities to take strong action against those who incite violence and hatred, and to create a safe environment for all residents, regardless of their nationality or religion..
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