In a tragic incident that occurred on Thursday afternoon, a 62-year-old man from Rio Claro lost his life after being struck on the head by a falling log. The victim, identified as Razif Khan from Cunapo, Southern Main Road in Cushe Village, was carrying out work at a compound alongside other workers, some of whom were his relatives.
The unfortunate accident took place around 2 pm when a tractor transporting logs accidentally collided with a heap, causing a massive log – approximately 50 feet long and weighing around one tonne – to become dislodged and plummet onto Khan. The impact of the heavy log resulted in severe injuries to Khan, prompting his colleagues to notify the authorities and medical personnel.
Upon receiving the distress call, both the police and paramedics rushed to the scene and promptly transported the injured man to the Rio Claro Health Facility for urgent medical attention. Despite the best efforts of the medical team, Khan tragically succumbed to his injuries.
Following the fatality, officers from the Rio Claro Police Station were summoned to the location to conduct an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident. As part of the standard procedure in such cases, a post-mortem examination has been scheduled to shed light on the exact cause of Khan’s untimely demise.
The community of Rio Claro, a bustling town in Trinidad and Tobago known for its vibrant culture and picturesque landscapes, was left reeling from the news of the tragic accident that claimed the life of one of its residents. The close-knit neighbourhood where Khan resided is now mourning the loss of a beloved member of their community, whose presence will be sorely missed.
As the authorities continue their inquiries into the incident, residents and workers in the area are urged to exercise caution and adhere to safety protocols to prevent similar accidents from occurring in the future. Our thoughts and condolences go out to the family and friends of Razif Khan during this difficult time..
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