In a shocking turn of events, the Uttar Pradesh police made a grim discovery on Thursday, as they recovered the lifeless body of a 20-year-old student from Saifai Medical College near Sonai Bridge in Etawah, Uttar Pradesh, India. The victim, identified as Priya Mishra, was a first-year paramedical student and a resident of Auraiya. The presence of serious injury marks on her body has raised concerns of a possible heinous crime.
Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Sanjay Kumar Verma revealed that there were no traces of blood found at the scene, indicating that the body may have been dumped there. Further investigation unveiled that Priya had handed her mobile phone to a friend before mysteriously disappearing. Additionally, it was discovered that she had been involved in a recent altercation with someone prior to her untimely demise.
The Saifai police have assured that a thorough investigation is underway, with every angle being meticulously probed. SSP Sanjay Kumar Verma stated, “It is a matter of serious investigation. Our surveillance and forensic team, along with the Station House Officer (SHO) and Circle Officer (CO), have reached the spot, and we will soon reveal further details.”
Meanwhile, in response to the tragic incident, Samajwadi Party Chief Akhilesh Yadav condemned the state government and demanded a judicial inquiry into the case. A video posted by Yadav showed a large number of students protesting outside the trauma center to express their outrage over the death of their fellow student, Priya Mishra.
“The death of a student under suspicious circumstances in Saifai University is a very serious matter. This is another very sad example of the declared policy of zero tolerance becoming zero during the time of BJP in Uttar Pradesh,” expressed SP Chief Akhilesh Yadav in a social media post.
Yadav further added, “There should be a judicial inquiry into this alleged murder, so that the truth about the people involved in incidents like BHU and Saifai University can be revealed and the government cannot save them even if it wants to. The BJP government is neither able to save the honor of women nor their lives.”
As the investigation unfolds, the community awaits answers and justice for Priya Mishra. The incident has sent shockwaves through the region, prompting calls for accountability and transparency in the pursuit of truth..
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