In a tragic series of events, three individuals lost their lives in separate road accidents in different parts of Dhaka. The incidents occurred in Banani, Jatrabari, and Mohammadpur, leaving families and communities in mourning.
The first victim, van driver Abul Kalam Hawlader, aged 42, was a hardworking individual who plied his trade on the Jatrabari route. On a fateful Friday morning, his life was cut short when a covered van collided with him, inflicting fatal injuries. Rushed to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) for urgent medical attention, doctors, unfortunately, pronounced him dead upon arrival. Sub-Inspector Mehedi Hasan of Jatrabari police station confirmed the tragic incident and the subsequent handover of Abul Kalam Hawlader’s body to his grieving family.
In a separate incident, tailor Shahjahan Talukder met with a similar fate while returning home. Struck by a speeding motorcycle, Shahjahan sustained critical injuries that necessitated his transfer from Kurmitola General Hospital to DMCH. Despite medical efforts, his condition deteriorated rapidly, leading to his untimely demise. The authorities at Banani police station, represented by Sub-Inspector Shyamal Ahmed, facilitated the respectful handover of Shahjahan’s body to his bereaved loved ones.
The third victim, an 11-year-old child named Mahmud Rifat, was riding pillion on a motorcycle with his father when tragedy struck. A covered van collided with their vehicle, resulting in Mahmud Rifat’s tragic death. Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Arifur Rahman of Mohammadpur police station confirmed the heart-wrenching incident and the subsequent apprehension of the covered van driver involved.
These road accidents serve as stark reminders of the inherent dangers present on the bustling streets of Dhaka. The loss of Abul Kalam Hawlader, Shahjahan Talukder, and Mahmud Rifat has left their families and communities devastated. As authorities continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding these tragic incidents, it is imperative for all road users to exercise caution and adhere to traffic regulations to prevent further loss of life..
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