Three individuals tragically lost their lives in a devastating small plane crash that occurred in Jackson, Ohio. The victims have been identified as Daniel Baker, a 44-year-old pilot from Jackson, his father, Robert Daniel Baker, 78, from Lucasville, and their family friend, Zebulon Logan, 45, from Lucasville. The trio was en route to Florida to pick up a vehicle that Logan had recently purchased when the aircraft crashed shortly after takeoff.
The Piper PA 32 Cherokee Six plummeted to the ground just a quarter-mile north of the James A. Rhodes Airport in Jackson, Ohio. The plane was completely destroyed upon impact, and emergency responders found all three occupants deceased at the scene. The Jackson Fire Department worked diligently to extinguish the flames engulfing the wreckage.
Following the tragic incident, the remains of the victims were transported to the Montgomery County coroner’s office for autopsies. The Ohio State Highway Patrol, in conjunction with the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board, will conduct a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the crash.
The James A. Rhodes Airport, where the ill-fated flight originated, is situated approximately 65 miles south-southeast of Columbus, Ohio. The airport serves as a vital hub for regional air travel in the area.
This heartbreaking event has left the tight-knit community of Jackson, Ohio, reeling from the loss of three beloved individuals. The Baker family and their friend, Zebulon Logan, were well-known and respected members of the local community, and their untimely passing has deeply affected all who knew them.
As the investigation into the crash unfolds, authorities are urging anyone with information or witnesses to come forward to assist in piecing together the events leading up to the tragic accident. The safety and security of air travel remain a top priority, and measures will be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future..
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